Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 139: Crazy Clumsy Craziness

Today was a weird day/morning for Hannah and I. I got a text waking me up at 9:45 to do a favor for a friend (not a problem, only 15 mins before I was getting up anyways). After the deed was done, I went to take a shower and realized the second I got out of the shower that I set my alarm an hour later than I was supposed to. Thus, I had 2 minutes to get dressed and grab my pencil and keys to race to get a bus to get to my test. Luckily, I got the bus just fine and ended up actually being early to class. Then I took the test, which was a piece of cake, and ended 20 minutes early, heading back home right after.

I walked in to the room to Hannah holding her head. Apparently while she was putting on her shoes, she forgot that her desk extra table thing that slides in and out of the desk was out. She hit her eyebrow region on the corner of the desk thing. Ouch! So I walk in to see her holding her head and saying "I think I just gave myself a black eye." Between the two of us, we were most definitely off kilter today. She recovered quite well, still a little sore, but no need to create an imaginary tale about her fighting someone over a cookie or anything.

After these misfortunes were described to each other, we went to brunch together at the dining hall. Yay omelets with the roomie! Other than that, classes, some studying and watching Bones, nothing really exciting happened today. Although the last episode of Bones I watched mentioned my school, was about the environment/sustainability, and one of the characters played with a toy dinosaur (dinosaurs are my favorite animal!). Obviously a very awesome episode!

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