Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 48: Friendly Waves

I'm Home!!! (to my hometown, aka not at school) My friend Kit drove me home this afternoon and we had a great time talking, catching up, and jamming to music. There was this really annoying driver for about 2/3 of our drive. When he finally decided it was time to get off the road, we started clapping and sarcastically waving. Little did we know he apparently saw us! As he was exiting, he waved at us. It was pretty creepy but definitely hilarious! He didn't have a rear-view mirror (it was a weird van like vehicle) so he probably didn't see us cheering that he was leaving. The mystery remains... Still made the ride entertaining though.

When I got home tonight, I was able to enjoy Jeopardy, NCIS, NCIS: L.A., and The Good Wife on a TV in the comfort of my living room. I have to say that it was a lot more fun than watching it on my computer. Unfortunately, none of these shows will have new episodes next week, so I will be grumpy when I'm back at school with no TV to catch up on.

Bonus(es) for the day:
  • My final paper for one of my classes was to be due next Tuesday, but the awesome teacher extended the deadline to Thursday!
  • Elisa and I went to interview a professor for our class. He had left early for break. After scheduling the time with us... But luckily his grad student got him on the phone for a phone interview (complete with screaming children in the background) and it went well! This conversation led to...
  • A description of a class he teaches in the Spring called Tropical Marine Ecology. The coursework includes going to the Bahamas over spring break to conduct field work. All inclusive (minus airfare) with tuition! Applications due next Wednesday and I'm definitely applying! What a fun class that would be!!
Well that's all I have for you. Besides the fact that I left my glasses at school. Grr...
Happy Pre-Thanksgiving Day! Safe Travels everyone!

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