Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 42: 50 Trillion Dollars!

If you've been reading regularly, you will have noticed that I had a surprise that I was waiting to reveal. Well today's the day! Here goes:

Jenny and I were walking through campus when we were asked if we wanted a 50 Trillion Dollar Bill. DUH. So here's the story behind it: This is Zimbabwe currency that is no longer valid (bummer). The economy was so bad in Zimbabwe that the value of a dollar was decreasing super fast. It got to the point that the government issued these 50 trillion dollar bills. Several days later, Zimbabwe stopped printing currency and decided not to use paper currency due to the invaluable-ness of it. Or something like that. Therefore, this club on campus is selling these bills for a donation that will be sent back to Zimbabwe to help citizens get micro-loans to be able to live and whatnot. Good cause!

$100 Trillion!!

Front and Back
What awesome currency to have an elephant on it!!

COW FOR A WATERMARK!! Seriously. I'm so impressed.

I of course got one for myself and one for Grace because it was so cool and we love cows. So for 24 hours, I held 100 Trillion Dollars!!!!! So that's it for tonight. Besides the fact that I only have 1 full week of school left! AUGH!

One test remaining for the week. Then a break until December!

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