Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 255: Classics Night

After class today, I went to Danielle's dorm to hang out with her and our friend Chelsea. It was so much fun to get to see them together and catch up a bit. Then I caught dinner with a Phi Lamb pledge at the dining hall. It was "Oktoberfest" and consisted of German food, although it really wasn't that German...

When I got home tonight, I decided to watch a movie. I realized that I forgot to ever watch the new Jane Eyre that came out this year, so I settled in and watched that. I was a little distracted by the way they set up the movie for the first part. They switched between present, past, more recent past, far away past, present, etc. It was weird considering the book is one of my absolute favorites. Sad when they have to take so many things out of the book to make it into a movie. I actually thank my AP Lit class for having us read the book so thoroughly. Note to any high schoolers, this version is not a good substitute for reading the book. You will fail the test on Jane Eyre if you only watch it. Read it :)

After Jane Eyre, I wasn't quite ready for bed, so I decided to watch Casablanca. It's one of those movies that you hear about all the time, but you never have actually seen. I really liked it. Probably could have used a little more context, but for that time period everyone would have known what was going on. Plus I finally realized where famous quotes came from ("I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"). Plus, who doesn't like classic films?

All in all it was a great day full of lots of classical fun. :)

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