Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 247: Big Game

Today was our toughest home game against Alabama. We didn't win, but it was beautiful outside and I got to see my old neighbors for tailgating! Yay! PLUS, I ate my first pumpkin flavored treat of the season today! :)

That's all that happened today, so I'm going to spend time talking about B/L week. I'm just going to do a picture of the gift for each day and then talk about reveal.

Monday: Phi Lamb/Unity day

Tuesday: Comfort Day (Including Snuggie, Brownie-cookies, socks, etc.)

Wednesday: Favorites

Thursday: Woodstock (Music festival) Day I also had a record for
her of the Woodstock Soundtrack

Monday we all delivered the baskets in a group. Tuesday I had my roommate deliver it. Wednesday I snuck in her room and blew up balloons and put sticky notes on her dresser and little lamb confetti all over everything. Thursday I set up a scavenger hunt around her dorm. She had to look up bible verses and figure out where they lead her, like to her mailbox or bathroom. The last clue lead her to her roommate's closet! Hehe!

At reveal, Jenny, Swill and I all wore our shirts (see Wednesday's basket) that I made. The Bigs got there before and we were given balloons. Our little got the balloon of the matching color later and they could use that to find us. My family was in a wooded area hiding and my balloon popped within the first 2 minutes. So I just tied the dead balloon to the tree I was standing by. After being there for over 30 minutes, the pledges were finally released and they came to find us. As soon as Swill found me, her balloon popped, too! We're definitely big/little. Or maybe the tree was out to get us, I don't know. We had a great time taking pictures with our family after and then went to dinner. Each family has their own tradition of where they go. Our rather recent tradition is to go to McAllister's, a local hotspot. After all 20 or so of us got dinner, we split off. Jenny, Swill and I along with three other girls all went to Mochi and hung out before heading home. It was so much fun, but super exhausting. Here's the final product of the week! My beautiful little, Swill!

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