Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 214: Progressive Dinner

I'm officially through the first week of school! And throughout the week I dropped 3 courses and added 1 new one. So I'm only at 12 credits, but I'm going to enjoy that. Plus football tickets AND I applied for a part time job with the food services company on campus, so we'll see where that goes. Two of my friends got jobs super quickly after applying since apparently they need a lot of people. Even a few hours would give me a little spending money and something to do (as long as it's not at 6am. I happen to love sleeping in...)

Tonight's Phi Lamb rush event was the Progressive Dinner, everyone's favorite. You hop into someone's car with people you don't really know. Then you drive to one house for appetizers, one for dinner, and one for dessert. While you're at each house, you get to meet up with 2-3 other carloads of people and get to know them, too. It was a delicious blast! Except that there are now 3 Lauren's in Phi Lamb. This should get interesting... Extra bonus, met a rushee that is a friend of a friend from back home and knows lots of people that I do too! I love strange occurrences like that!

I watched some TV and now I am so ready for bed. Plugged my new computer battery in today and it worked great except for the fact that it's been plugged in for over an hour and it's only gone from 20% to 52%. That's a little funky. Hopefully it's just because it's the first time it's really charging. Because I am not sacrificing longer battery life for longer charge time. That's ridiculous. I may have to rethink computer brands next time I'm shopping (which hopefully won't be for a while...)

Goodnight everyone!

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