Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 210: First Day of School

Thank goodness for drop/add week. I had 3 classes today and dropped two of them when I got home. That's the kind of day I had...

My environmental economics class seems great; love the young intelligent professor. Cultural Anthropology professor, not so much. I'm sick of not being able to understand the teacher! When there is an American TA standing right next to him, correcting what he says. Not to mention the fact that he spent the class reading the syllabus aloud word by word and explaining how to use the online grading site that is pretty much self explanatory. The syllabus is under 'syllabus', assignments under 'assignments' and the online tests under 'assessments'. We go to the best university around, and you think we can't READ!?!? Needless to say I dropped that class until next semester when I can get a different teacher.

Then came West African Dance. Which would have been an awesome class. Unfortunately since my fall in Ohio, my knee has been failing me in the good-feeling department. After just watching the 4 minute demonstration, I knew that I wouldn't be able to do that this year. Hopefully another time I can go back and take it again.

So my new schedule is Environmental Economics, World Archaeology and lab, Intro to Sustainability Studies, Statistics, and the online career planning class for my dorm. I think that should keep me busy enough with Phi Lamb, football tickets, and gym classes across the street, don't you?

On a more positive note, I finally got to go back to Mochi tonight with a few of my sisters and a future pledge. They had cake batter AND red velvet tonight. Swirled was delicious. And made me very happy. Then I came back here and played on the computer until 2 am. Now I'm tired and can go to sleep! I seriously love being able to wake up at 11am. So awesome.

Have a great first week of school to you students.

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