Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 91: First Day of School! (Finding Nemo)

Today was the first day of the spring semester of school. I slept in, got 9+ hours of sleep, had a great class, and just enjoyed the day. Today's class was Bio2, which I have with two of my Phi Lamb sisters. Our teacher seems really cool. And we get to use our cell phones to take polls for extra credit in the class. I think I'm going to enjoy it! Not to mention that after I'm finished with that class, I'm done for the day. So that doesn't hurt either.

So in my spare time, I went to the bookstore to buy my lab manual and dissection kit (ew. a pig fetus. in 3 weeks. I'm not ready for this...). On my way back I decided to take the bus to Publix. Mission was successful, but I had to wait forever for the bus back to campus. Then, I got off a stop too early and had to walk a bit more than I was expecting. And BONUS: It started pouring as soon as the bus drove away. So with everything from my knees down soaked, my rain boots stuck in my room, my umbrella being blown in the wind, and my Vera backpack with aforementioned lab book slowly becoming drenched, I ducked under a doorway cover to a dorm. Luckily in about 5 minutes, some residents opened the door and I lounged in the lobby for a while. The downpour didn't let up and after 20 minutes, I decided I was already wet and there was nothing I could do about it, so I headed home. My jeans are still wet as I type. Hopefully they'll be dry soon, or I'll have to spend $1.25 to get them dry. Which is unacceptable.

Finally, I was reviewing my syllabi for tomorrow's classes and I found out that I have NO exams during final week which is the week after Easter. So I will be home for Holy Week!! Hooray!!!

Excited for classes tomorrow! Hannah and I are starting our New Semester Resolution of going to bed before midnight tonight. Yay getting extra sleep!

The Twelfth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
12) A Joyous Disposition
11) Wearing Long Sleeved Clothing
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!

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