Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 100: (100) Days of Blogging

Happy 100th Day of Blogging!

Dear followers and fellow bloggers:
This is a monumental extravaganza. I'm so proud of myself for blogging for 100 days! Yay! And thank YOU for sticking with me and reading all about them. I'm sorry to say that this weekend will not have any blog posts until Monday. But I promise I'll make them up. :)

So today I had an informal interview with the Residence Life Coordinator of the housing program I want to live in next year. It went great and he was really nice. So Danielle and I are on our way to a room next year! After the quick interview, my Phi Lamb sister (twin, since apparently we look exactly alike) Sam showed me her room in the area. It was a lot different than I had expected, but really cool! I'm so excited for next year. The location of this dorm is going to make all the difference in my life!

Danielle and I had a late lunch before she headed home to surprise her family for the long weekend. It was scrumptious. Then tonight, Hannah and I went to the gymnastics meet against Kentucky. Our first football game was against Kentucky! Therefore we decided that Kentucky is an important opponent in our sporting adventures. Also, I knew the mascot tonight, so we took pictures. She happens to be a very important member of Phi Lamb, so several sisters took a picture together with her. :) I love gymnastics meets! So much fun!

I wrapped up the night by skyping with a friend from home for over an hour. It was great to catch up and reminisce. That's all I've got for you today! Hope you enjoy this "100th Day of Blogging" blog.

100 is an even number.
100 = 10^2 is a perfect square.
100 has a representation as a sum of 2 squares:\n100 = 6^2+8^2
100 divides 49^2-1.
e^(pi sqrt(100))~~44031505860632.0290 is a near-integer.
100 is the smallest square which is also the sum of consecutive cubes.
In the year 100 AD Buddhist texts were translated into Chinese.

100 Oreos have 7081 calories
100 Green M&Ms weigh 70 grams
100 Cups of Popcorn weighs 39 oz
100 Elephants will drink 5000 gallons of water in a day
100 Giraffes stacked on top of each other would be over 1800 feet tall!
100 Anacondas stretched end to end will stretch almost 2000 feet!
100 Cents (plus 7) can buy you one thing at a dollar store
100 Dollars can feed more than 100 children in third world countries
100 Inches of snow would fill my dorm hallway from floor to ceiling!
100 Degrees is far too hot
100 Percent humidity is way too moist
100 Points in basketball is a great game!
100 Points in bowling isn't (although it's better than I can do)
100 Minutes is 2.38 Dawson's Creek episodes.

O-N-E H-U-N-D-R-E-D!!!! It's Amazing!!!

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