Today was exceptionally warm outside! Warm enough for Obidiah, our friendly neighbor alligator, to come to the surface to sunbathe. It just made things "right" in the world to see him on the shore again!
Today was pretty chill. Danielle and I made garlic shrimp and rice for the second Monday in a row. Thank goodness for our newly found delicious garlic parmesan vinegar dressing sauce thing from Food Network's Giada. Yum.
I applied to Cedar Point (amusement park) in Ohio for a summer job today. Hopefully it works out. If not, off to career resource center for some guidance!
I also worked on some of my Aztec Civilization project today. The part that I did was of course the fun coloring part! Here's a picture of my "day name" (birthday, left) and "trecena name" (similar to the first day of the month, right). These signs are like zodiac or astrological signs and represent your destiny from birth until death similar to a horoscope. These two aren't particularly good (duh, death stinks).
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 116: Hot Tub Diving
This morning, my dad and I went to practice snorkeling in the hotel pool. The pool was not heated. So we went to the hot tub. Which was VERY small. And hot (duh right, but this was scorching). So I swam around the hot tub for a little bit with my mask and snorkel on. Hahaha - it was a funny sight to see, I'm sure!
Also today, my Big, Jenny, got to meet my family!! We went out to lunch at Peach Valley Cafe. It was really yummy and lots of fun! After a family outing to Publix (free key lime pie samples!), Danielle made delicious personal calzones for us. Wow were they delicious! And finally, our community group had a movie night social where we watched The Devil Wears Prada. Still really like that movie. So it was a pretty great day. I am definitely now ready for bed and to start the school week again tomorrow.
Have a great Monday!
Also today, my Big, Jenny, got to meet my family!! We went out to lunch at Peach Valley Cafe. It was really yummy and lots of fun! After a family outing to Publix (free key lime pie samples!), Danielle made delicious personal calzones for us. Wow were they delicious! And finally, our community group had a movie night social where we watched The Devil Wears Prada. Still really like that movie. So it was a pretty great day. I am definitely now ready for bed and to start the school week again tomorrow.
Have a great Monday!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 115: Do you know the muffin man?
Yummy Yummy Muffins! My parents are in town this weekend to help me get snorkel gear and such for the Bahamas trip over Spring Break. We met up, shopped a little, and got lunch at Mimi's Cafe. Which is so delicious and adorable. If you have never been to Mimi's before and tell them so, you may receive a yummy surprise of muffins! So muffins in hand, we carried on our shopping experience. Approximately 6 or 7 stores later, and we finally found a snorkel and mask. YAY!
Now I'm sitting in my parent's hotel room, curled up by the fire watching TV (specifically The Bourne Ultimatum, which is the only thing on).
Now I'm sitting in my parent's hotel room, curled up by the fire watching TV (specifically The Bourne Ultimatum, which is the only thing on).
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 114: Link to Pink
Tonight I joined some girls in the Campus Girl Scouts for some fun at the gymnastics meet. It was the Breast Cancer Awareness meet titled "Link to Pink". The meet was so much fun! And we won! It was really busy though because there were 2 other teams plus ourselves. So rather than alternating events and being able to watch everything individually, there were 3 events going on at a time! Really distracting, but so much fun! There were tons of young children there, as well as girl scout troops. Plus a sea of pink. So great.
I also had lunch today at the favorite A Cafe with my roommate from orientation. It was great to see her (and eat yummy foods). Hannah is having a girls' weekend with her mom, so I have the room to myself tonight! The parentals are coming up tomorrow, so I'll be residing in a hotel tomorrow night. Yay mini vacation!
PLUS. GET EXCITED.... Savannah trip in less than 14 days! YAHOO!
Have a great weekend!
I also had lunch today at the favorite A Cafe with my roommate from orientation. It was great to see her (and eat yummy foods). Hannah is having a girls' weekend with her mom, so I have the room to myself tonight! The parentals are coming up tomorrow, so I'll be residing in a hotel tomorrow night. Yay mini vacation!
PLUS. GET EXCITED.... Savannah trip in less than 14 days! YAHOO!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 113: You give me JOY
Today was a pretty decent day. Class, class, class, meeting, dinner, CRU!
I had dinner with my friend Ana. We went to Panda Express and enjoyed some delicious rice. My fortune cookie told me to listen to advice given to me. So she told me to not talk to strangers. So there's my wise advice! Haha
CRU tonight was great, as usual. I was just so lovingly reminded about how amazing God is and how much He loves each and every one of us. He has given me a great Joy in my heart. Which is represented in this song which is stuck in my head: You Give me Joy!
I had dinner with my friend Ana. We went to Panda Express and enjoyed some delicious rice. My fortune cookie told me to listen to advice given to me. So she told me to not talk to strangers. So there's my wise advice! Haha
CRU tonight was great, as usual. I was just so lovingly reminded about how amazing God is and how much He loves each and every one of us. He has given me a great Joy in my heart. Which is represented in this song which is stuck in my head: You Give me Joy!
And as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost it's hold on me. For I am His and He is mine, bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry, to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man could ever pluck me from His hand. Until he returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand. - In Christ Alone
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 112: Beautiful Beasts
Well, I survived the fetal pig dissection this morning! It wasn't too bad. Smelled awful, of course. Our pig was the tiniest guy in the bunch. Kind of sad. Luckily, our awesome TA was gracious enough to do some of the nasty stuff, say we were doing a good job, and leave us alone. Therefore we didn't look at the pig too much. Although, my lab partner (and friend) Devin mentioned that the stomach looked like an oyster. Which is totally true. I don't see myself being able to eat oysters any time soon...
I went to an earlier bio class after lab, so I was done by 11:30 this morning. It was SO nice!!! I watched The Phantom of the Opera and lounged around the room. And then I got ready for Beauty and the Beast!!!! It was beyond amazing!! I went with two friends from back home, Katherine and Elizabeth, and a Phi Lamb sister, Kendall. The show was beautiful. The singing... wow. The Beast had an amazing voice! And Belle was fantastic! I can't say how wonderful it was. There was a dance scene in the tavern with Gaston and the motley crew that was exceptionally great. As was Be Our Guest, which had several confetti shooting moments. During the curtain call, Lumiere did the *Chomp*!!! It went over very well, hehe.

I went to an earlier bio class after lab, so I was done by 11:30 this morning. It was SO nice!!! I watched The Phantom of the Opera and lounged around the room. And then I got ready for Beauty and the Beast!!!! It was beyond amazing!! I went with two friends from back home, Katherine and Elizabeth, and a Phi Lamb sister, Kendall. The show was beautiful. The singing... wow. The Beast had an amazing voice! And Belle was fantastic! I can't say how wonderful it was. There was a dance scene in the tavern with Gaston and the motley crew that was exceptionally great. As was Be Our Guest, which had several confetti shooting moments. During the curtain call, Lumiere did the *Chomp*!!! It went over very well, hehe.

OH! I forgot to tell you! I got my official housing assignment for next year today! Yay! Danielle and I will be living on the 3rd floor. Right next to my current neighbors, Alyssa and Brooklyn and about 10 feet away from Hannah and her future roommate Rachel! Our other current floormates will be living just above us, so we wall all be together again! Looking forward to next year.
Last note which has been added. After my friend Leo (you remember, from like 3 weeks ago's visit?) saw this blog, he called to say he met one of the choreographers the other day! How cool is that!?
Last note which has been added. After my friend Leo (you remember, from like 3 weeks ago's visit?) saw this blog, he called to say he met one of the choreographers the other day! How cool is that!?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 111: Rainy Days!
Today was a gloriously rainy day. I love the rain! Especially when I get to wear my rain boots and splash in puddles and come out completely dry! Hooray!!
Nothing too spectacular today. Had my first exam of this semester, and if I do say so myself, I believe I got at least a 95%. This coming from the class that I "shouldn't be in" due to my freshman standings. HA. It's a much easier class than I ever expected it to be. So that went well. Yay!
Mostly, I prepared for tomorrow during today. Tomorrow will be a very blog filled day! Starting with the fetal pig dissection I have at 8:30 AM. I was nervous about it, but now I think it will be alright. I'm pretty squeamish, but I think I can get through it. PLUS it should be the last dissection I have to do for a while. At least in this class, so that's good! Hope you had a fantastic day and were able to stay dry wherever you were.
Nothing too spectacular today. Had my first exam of this semester, and if I do say so myself, I believe I got at least a 95%. This coming from the class that I "shouldn't be in" due to my freshman standings. HA. It's a much easier class than I ever expected it to be. So that went well. Yay!
Mostly, I prepared for tomorrow during today. Tomorrow will be a very blog filled day! Starting with the fetal pig dissection I have at 8:30 AM. I was nervous about it, but now I think it will be alright. I'm pretty squeamish, but I think I can get through it. PLUS it should be the last dissection I have to do for a while. At least in this class, so that's good! Hope you had a fantastic day and were able to stay dry wherever you were.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 110: Marvelous Monday
I have never enjoyed a Monday as much as I did today. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! Apparently it was freezing in the morning, but I didn't go out until 11:30 and it was about 65. After my single class, I ran into my orientation roommate and scheduled a lunch date for Friday, so that's super exciting!
I then relaxed outside and studied a little/watched Dawson's. It was such a beautiful afternoon outside, I am still super excited about how pretty it was! Hannah and I had our weekly date at the Christian Study Center (where I actually studied). And then finished up the night with Phi Lamb meeting. And more studying/Dawson's. My first exam of the semester is tomorrow morning!! Hopefully it will be a piece of cake.
I think I should tell you about the dinner that Danielle and I made. We had shrimp, rice, and bread. The kicker/good part about it was this new dressing like stuff that we got at Target. It's Giada's brand (Food Network star) and it's a delicious garlic parmesan vinagerette oil like thing. Not sure how else to describe it besides delicious. Yumm. We're definitely using it a lot more often! Especially in the rice. It made it super sweet and delicious. Here's a picture!
My cousin Brennan came home from the hospital (again) today! Yay!! Please still keep him in your prayers as he continues on the path to better health. Thanks.
Hope your Monday was as great as mine was!!
I then relaxed outside and studied a little/watched Dawson's. It was such a beautiful afternoon outside, I am still super excited about how pretty it was! Hannah and I had our weekly date at the Christian Study Center (where I actually studied). And then finished up the night with Phi Lamb meeting. And more studying/Dawson's. My first exam of the semester is tomorrow morning!! Hopefully it will be a piece of cake.
I think I should tell you about the dinner that Danielle and I made. We had shrimp, rice, and bread. The kicker/good part about it was this new dressing like stuff that we got at Target. It's Giada's brand (Food Network star) and it's a delicious garlic parmesan vinagerette oil like thing. Not sure how else to describe it besides delicious. Yumm. We're definitely using it a lot more often! Especially in the rice. It made it super sweet and delicious. Here's a picture!
My cousin Brennan came home from the hospital (again) today! Yay!! Please still keep him in your prayers as he continues on the path to better health. Thanks.
Hope your Monday was as great as mine was!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 109: Campus Cleanup
This morning I woke up and joined some of my fellow floormates in a Campus Cleanup. We spent two hours walking around with 100 of our closest friends (just kidding, it was a campus wide event) and picking up trash. We found a rolly chair (with one wheel missing). Another team found a "dead" speed limit sign! That was cool. Also got a free shirt, so that's awesome!
After that, I ventured to Publix. Got a bunch of Special K cereal because it was on sale! Yummm can't wait to try them! Danielle made this delicious pasta dish tonight. We had tons of leftovers (yay!) So it was a very yummy day in general! Not to mention the peppermint chocolate chip cookies she made as well. I love having a friend that will cook with/for me. It's so much fun to be in the kitchen with her! I have been studying for my Aztec Civilization test for a while now, and after almost falling asleep several times, I am SO ready to go to bed. Lots to tell you about Aztec Culture, but I'll save it for another day. Hope you have a great start to your week! Happy Monday!
After that, I ventured to Publix. Got a bunch of Special K cereal because it was on sale! Yummm can't wait to try them! Danielle made this delicious pasta dish tonight. We had tons of leftovers (yay!) So it was a very yummy day in general! Not to mention the peppermint chocolate chip cookies she made as well. I love having a friend that will cook with/for me. It's so much fun to be in the kitchen with her! I have been studying for my Aztec Civilization test for a while now, and after almost falling asleep several times, I am SO ready to go to bed. Lots to tell you about Aztec Culture, but I'll save it for another day. Hope you have a great start to your week! Happy Monday!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 108: Out of the Ordinary Adventures
This afternoon, I went for a walk past the lake to the chapel for some quiet reading time. It was a beautiful day out, just a little chilly which I wasn't expecting. On the walk back, I stopped in the "University Gardens" area which is just a lot of boardwalk paths. After spending some time in there, I found a random path and followed it into the woods. It resulted in a 30+ minute hike! I had a great time exploring and I found a new field I didn't know existed! Plus lots of random walk ways in the woods. It was cut a little short because I had to go to the bathroom. But a great adventure anyways!!
Tonight I went to a really awesome pizza place called Satchel's with Jenny, Amy, Charlotte and her boyfriend, Ben. It just so happened that Hannah and several other members from our Community Group went there, too! So after a very delicious and hilarious dinner, Jenny and I went back to her room for a movie night. We watched She's the Man (with Amanda Bynes). We laughed for the entire movie and just had a great time. Channing Tatum is so beautiful. Got back to my room about 1 AM to Hannah and Brooklyn watching the Cheetah Girls! So now we're listening to them singing. It's almost over, but hilarious at how corny it is.
I also found out today that I didn't get the admissions ambassador position I had applied to. But that's okay because I found a great opportunity doing similar things without an application called "Outreach Ambassadors". So hopefully I can get involved in that soon.
Have a great Sunday!!
Tonight I went to a really awesome pizza place called Satchel's with Jenny, Amy, Charlotte and her boyfriend, Ben. It just so happened that Hannah and several other members from our Community Group went there, too! So after a very delicious and hilarious dinner, Jenny and I went back to her room for a movie night. We watched She's the Man (with Amanda Bynes). We laughed for the entire movie and just had a great time. Channing Tatum is so beautiful. Got back to my room about 1 AM to Hannah and Brooklyn watching the Cheetah Girls! So now we're listening to them singing. It's almost over, but hilarious at how corny it is.
I also found out today that I didn't get the admissions ambassador position I had applied to. But that's okay because I found a great opportunity doing similar things without an application called "Outreach Ambassadors". So hopefully I can get involved in that soon.
Have a great Sunday!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 107: Butter is in our Near Future!
I learned to juggle today! With one ball... Yep. That's how coordinated I am. I tossed one ball from one hand to the other and the lady "teaching" me said, "You must not have been an athlete when you were growing up, huh?". True statement. I am proud to say that I could juggle 2 balls if only one was real and the other was invisible. But as soon as we added the second real ball, they were both on the ground. :) I warned her I didn't have any hand-eye coordination!!!
I had a fantastic lunch today with Hannah and our friend Ana. Ana and I went to middle school/church together and she and Hannah met in an acting class last semester. Small world! After that, Danielle and I went to AAA.
Hey Y'all - GUESS WHAT? We're officially going to Savannah, GA for a Paula Deen weekend!!! We may be slightly obsessed with cooking and watching her shows and such. But that's okay. We're really excited! Got the hotel booked and now just have to book the tour and whatever else we want to do while we're there. Suggestions are welcome! So by this time in 3 weeks, I shall be reporting from the comforts of a Savannah Hotel. BAM. (Oh wait, that's Emeril)
Danielle, her roomie Chelsea and I all went to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and then came back to my room for a movie night, The Blindside. Love Sandra Bullock so much. I feel like I say that every time I watch her perform. She's just phenomenal. Danielle had never seen the movie, so that was good.
And so now I'm off to bed! I believe that talking in a southern accent in anticipation for Paula Deen Weekend (henceforth referred to as PDW) is absolutely necessary. Night Y'all!
Late night update!! This just in - our fire alarm went off about 30 minutes ago in our dorm, causing everyone to wake up (not me, I wasn't sleeping yet) and evacuate the building. Brought my iPod and played solitaire on it, so wasn't too too bad. Could possibly go off repeatedly during the night. It's a felony to stay in the room, so hopefully we all wake up and quickly get outside! Best of luck to all fellow dorm dwellers on this alarming night!
I had a fantastic lunch today with Hannah and our friend Ana. Ana and I went to middle school/church together and she and Hannah met in an acting class last semester. Small world! After that, Danielle and I went to AAA.
Hey Y'all - GUESS WHAT? We're officially going to Savannah, GA for a Paula Deen weekend!!! We may be slightly obsessed with cooking and watching her shows and such. But that's okay. We're really excited! Got the hotel booked and now just have to book the tour and whatever else we want to do while we're there. Suggestions are welcome! So by this time in 3 weeks, I shall be reporting from the comforts of a Savannah Hotel. BAM. (Oh wait, that's Emeril)
Danielle, her roomie Chelsea and I all went to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and then came back to my room for a movie night, The Blindside. Love Sandra Bullock so much. I feel like I say that every time I watch her perform. She's just phenomenal. Danielle had never seen the movie, so that was good.
And so now I'm off to bed! I believe that talking in a southern accent in anticipation for Paula Deen Weekend (henceforth referred to as PDW) is absolutely necessary. Night Y'all!
Late night update!! This just in - our fire alarm went off about 30 minutes ago in our dorm, causing everyone to wake up (not me, I wasn't sleeping yet) and evacuate the building. Brought my iPod and played solitaire on it, so wasn't too too bad. Could possibly go off repeatedly during the night. It's a felony to stay in the room, so hopefully we all wake up and quickly get outside! Best of luck to all fellow dorm dwellers on this alarming night!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 106: Down in the Dumps - Resolved
So some sad news today. Danielle and I found out that we will not be going to Yellowstone National Park to work this summer. Unfortunately, they already have enough people working the short term of the season (aka other college students), so unless we could skip the first 2 months of school... I have to admit, I was super upset. I was so looking forward to this adventure. I knew in the back of my mind that God has an awesome reason for this, but couldn't figure out what.
Luckily, I have amazing friends and family to help. Thursdays are an awful day of classes and meetings and I don't have much time at home. While I was gone tonight, my beautiful Big, Jenny, left me some brownies and an encouraging note on my desk. I didn't receive it until after I had gotten to see her at CRU. After CRU (which had fantastic music, as always, but really spoke to me tonight) Jenny, her older sister Amy, and I went to Mochi (along with many other CRU members). Mochi is just great at helping lighten the mood and make you feel better. So thanks to a great ending to the very long day, I am now not so bothered by my plans falling through.
Which leads me to: I would love something fun to do this summer, so ... any ideas, let me know!
And finally, my baby cousin Brennan is back in the hospital, so I would appreciate everyone's help in thoughts and prayers for him.
Desert Song - "All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing. Yes I have a reason to worship."
Luckily, I have amazing friends and family to help. Thursdays are an awful day of classes and meetings and I don't have much time at home. While I was gone tonight, my beautiful Big, Jenny, left me some brownies and an encouraging note on my desk. I didn't receive it until after I had gotten to see her at CRU. After CRU (which had fantastic music, as always, but really spoke to me tonight) Jenny, her older sister Amy, and I went to Mochi (along with many other CRU members). Mochi is just great at helping lighten the mood and make you feel better. So thanks to a great ending to the very long day, I am now not so bothered by my plans falling through.
Which leads me to: I would love something fun to do this summer, so ... any ideas, let me know!
And finally, my baby cousin Brennan is back in the hospital, so I would appreciate everyone's help in thoughts and prayers for him.
Desert Song - "All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing. Yes I have a reason to worship."
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'" - Jeremiah 29:11-13
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 105: Delight in Weaknesses
Today was kind of a rough day, but everything has calmed down. Thanks to my awesome Community Group members, we had a great discussion tonight.
Still sick, but getting better slowly. I had an interview for the Office of Admissions Ambassador's today. Hopefully I'll hear about it soon! Regardless, I had a great discussion with a prospective student and hopefully she will be able to attend UF in 2 years! It was just a great talk and that's what I would be doing if I got this position, so it was very exciting. (Bonus, I got to talk about my blog and how I use it to detail the things I do on campus! Yay blogging!)
Now, I am off to bed after a very long day and with a VERY long day ahead. I leave you with the key verse of tonight's CG:
Still sick, but getting better slowly. I had an interview for the Office of Admissions Ambassador's today. Hopefully I'll hear about it soon! Regardless, I had a great discussion with a prospective student and hopefully she will be able to attend UF in 2 years! It was just a great talk and that's what I would be doing if I got this position, so it was very exciting. (Bonus, I got to talk about my blog and how I use it to detail the things I do on campus! Yay blogging!)
Now, I am off to bed after a very long day and with a VERY long day ahead. I leave you with the key verse of tonight's CG:
"'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 104: Tissues Galore
I can't tell you how many tissues I used today. A whole lot. I somehow managed to get sick (probably from this weekend) and have been sniffling all day. Got excused from one class so I could nap, but went to the other two since I couldn't miss the lectures. Oh well. Nyquil is about to be poured and I don't have to be at class for 12 hours. Hooray!
Other than that, Hannah and I went to an open house even for this organization on campus that helps you find out what other organizations you would like to join. I honestly went for the free food (of which there was very little) and then found out I couldn't do it anyways because the training sessions are during my classes/meetings. Oh well!
Dawson's Creek turned sad today with a sudden death in the "family". I cried. A lot. That's not good; I'm too attached! Off to bed! Stay well and don't come near me!
Other than that, Hannah and I went to an open house even for this organization on campus that helps you find out what other organizations you would like to join. I honestly went for the free food (of which there was very little) and then found out I couldn't do it anyways because the training sessions are during my classes/meetings. Oh well!
Dawson's Creek turned sad today with a sudden death in the "family". I cried. A lot. That's not good; I'm too attached! Off to bed! Stay well and don't come near me!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 103: MLK Day
"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."Thank you, God, for sending Dr. King to help this world. I am truly inspired by this great man's great life.
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. "
"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live. "
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today was the last day of Phi Lamb retreat. It was a great weekend! After I got home, showered, and fed, I went to Publix. Then Danielle and I ate stone crab for dinner. She had gone home this weekend and was able to bring me some stuff from my mom. One pack had these cute window cling gel things, which I stuck on my wall!
After dinner, Hannah, Brooklyn, Alyssa and I met two of our friends, Manny and Katy at Mochi for some delicious fro-yo. Yummm. Then we got a tour of Katy's room since us four girls, Danielle, and another friend Rachel will be living in that area next year. Exciting stuff!
Now that I think I got you mostly caught up, I need to get to bed so I can go to class tomorrow morning.
A previous Phi Lamb member passed away this morning unexpectedly, so please keep her family in your prayers. We know that she is dancing and celebrating with the Lord though, which gives us all comfort.
Now that I think I got you mostly caught up, I need to get to bed so I can go to class tomorrow morning.
A previous Phi Lamb member passed away this morning unexpectedly, so please keep her family in your prayers. We know that she is dancing and celebrating with the Lord though, which gives us all comfort.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 102: Zippity-do-da
Sunday at the Retreat with Phi Lamb was awesome! We had a fantastic speaker throughout the weekend. Sunday we got to have some activities outside. Rockwall, Team building, and a zip line. I don't like climbing rock walls, so sat that one out. Next up was the Zip Line. Oh my goodness it was so much fun! The rope bridge thing to get up to the platform was very shaky and not secure, as was the platform itself. But as soon as we scooted off the platform and got into the air, it was fun. I can't explain how much fun. Purely exhilarating. Can't wait for next year!
This is my friend Ashley and I and our first reactions. I'm much more shocked...

This is my friend Ashley and I and our first reactions. I'm much more shocked...
The zip line was definitely a highlight of the weekend. My foot randomly started hurting during lunch, so I didn't really partake in the team building, although they looked like a ton of fun! One more long night down (we learned to put an extra mattress on the beds and not worry about taking a shower).
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 101: Retreat
So I'm off to Spring Retreat for Phi Lamb! Just wanted to let you all know! We're going to a camp about an hour away. The weather should be beautiful! And with no school on Monday, we'll have a great time not worrying about anything!
Hope that your weekend is splendid! Jenny's about to pick me up, so gotta go. Pictures and posts will be here on Monday when we get back.
Hope that your weekend is splendid! Jenny's about to pick me up, so gotta go. Pictures and posts will be here on Monday when we get back.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 100: (100) Days of Blogging
Happy 100th Day of Blogging!
This is a monumental extravaganza. I'm so proud of myself for blogging for 100 days! Yay! And thank YOU for sticking with me and reading all about them. I'm sorry to say that this weekend will not have any blog posts until Monday. But I promise I'll make them up. :)Dear followers and fellow bloggers:
So today I had an informal interview with the Residence Life Coordinator of the housing program I want to live in next year. It went great and he was really nice. So Danielle and I are on our way to a room next year! After the quick interview, my Phi Lamb sister (twin, since apparently we look exactly alike) Sam showed me her room in the area. It was a lot different than I had expected, but really cool! I'm so excited for next year. The location of this dorm is going to make all the difference in my life!
Danielle and I had a late lunch before she headed home to surprise her family for the long weekend. It was scrumptious. Then tonight, Hannah and I went to the gymnastics meet against Kentucky. Our first football game was against Kentucky! Therefore we decided that Kentucky is an important opponent in our sporting adventures. Also, I knew the mascot tonight, so we took pictures. She happens to be a very important member of Phi Lamb, so several sisters took a picture together with her. :) I love gymnastics meets! So much fun!
I wrapped up the night by skyping with a friend from home for over an hour. It was great to catch up and reminisce. That's all I've got for you today! Hope you enjoy this "100th Day of Blogging" blog.
In the year 100 AD Buddhist texts were translated into Chinese.
100 Oreos have 7081 calories
100 Green M&Ms weigh 70 grams
100 Cups of Popcorn weighs 39 oz
100 Elephants will drink 5000 gallons of water in a day
100 Giraffes stacked on top of each other would be over 1800 feet tall!
100 Anacondas stretched end to end will stretch almost 2000 feet!
100 Cents (plus 7) can buy you one thing at a dollar store
100 Dollars can feed more than 100 children in third world countries
100 Inches of snow would fill my dorm hallway from floor to ceiling!
100 Degrees is far too hot
100 Percent humidity is way too moist
100 Points in basketball is a great game!
100 Points in bowling isn't (although it's better than I can do)
100 Minutes is 2.38 Dawson's Creek episodes.
O-N-E H-U-N-D-R-E-D!!!! It's Amazing!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 99: Freezing Day 2!
I'm all for the cold weather, but I really wish it would snow if it's going to be 31 degrees at noon. Seriously. Still okay with me though, I get to wear my boots! Definitely getting my money's worth out of them!
Today was one of my longest days of college to date. I have 3 two hour classes with one hour in between. Then immediately after the last class, I had a Girl Scout meeting (I GOT TO ORDER COOKIES!) and then I had 20 minutes to eat nutritious Taco Bell before running off to CRU. Good thing was that my middle block of class got out almost an hour early. So thank you Mr. Joost from the Netherlands! Also, I met two girls that are in both my Aztec class and the Dutch hottie's class. So that's good!
I will be sleeping very well tonight. Lots to tell you tomorrow, I am sure. But till then: Sweet Dreams!
Oh P.S., Hannah and I ended the night with some hot chocolate (hers exploded in the microwave for some reason) and a Hilary Duff sing-a-long. That was spectacular. :)
Today was one of my longest days of college to date. I have 3 two hour classes with one hour in between. Then immediately after the last class, I had a Girl Scout meeting (I GOT TO ORDER COOKIES!) and then I had 20 minutes to eat nutritious Taco Bell before running off to CRU. Good thing was that my middle block of class got out almost an hour early. So thank you Mr. Joost from the Netherlands! Also, I met two girls that are in both my Aztec class and the Dutch hottie's class. So that's good!
I will be sleeping very well tonight. Lots to tell you tomorrow, I am sure. But till then: Sweet Dreams!
Oh P.S., Hannah and I ended the night with some hot chocolate (hers exploded in the microwave for some reason) and a Hilary Duff sing-a-long. That was spectacular. :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 98: Freezing!!!
It was literally freezing today. I walked across campus for my only 8:30 class of the week in 32 degree weather. Lemme tell ya, that's COLD. For here anyways. I had my first Bio Lab today. The TA is actually part of the group that's going to the Bahamas! What are the chances in that?
I took a nap, watched NCIS and NCIS LA and finished my application for Admissions Volunteer Ambassadors (like... service group to help people apply, answer questions, help in community, and other things). I would really like to be part of it! So have to turn that in by Friday. Yippee! *Here's Hoping*
It was also the first community group of the semester. New meeting place, some returning people, some new people, and lots of fun. One of our leaders literally got off a plane and headed to our CG. That's love.
It was SO COLD on the car ride home that Hannah's Snowflake light came on. We didn't know she had one. Apparently between -40 and +39 degrees, a cute little snowflake light shows up by the temperature to signify an "ice warning" (aka it's really cold). I took a picture but it's not working right now. Trust me, it was cool. Ha.
OOOOH bonus: found out that the room style that Danielle and I will be in next year are two single rooms connected. Which I think can be pretty cool. This way when we get mad at each other, we'll be able to slam doors! Not that we fight, but I expect some dramatic exits just because I can... Going on Friday to get things figured out! Yay!!
I took a nap, watched NCIS and NCIS LA and finished my application for Admissions Volunteer Ambassadors (like... service group to help people apply, answer questions, help in community, and other things). I would really like to be part of it! So have to turn that in by Friday. Yippee! *Here's Hoping*
It was also the first community group of the semester. New meeting place, some returning people, some new people, and lots of fun. One of our leaders literally got off a plane and headed to our CG. That's love.
It was SO COLD on the car ride home that Hannah's Snowflake light came on. We didn't know she had one. Apparently between -40 and +39 degrees, a cute little snowflake light shows up by the temperature to signify an "ice warning" (aka it's really cold). I took a picture but it's not working right now. Trust me, it was cool. Ha.
OOOOH bonus: found out that the room style that Danielle and I will be in next year are two single rooms connected. Which I think can be pretty cool. This way when we get mad at each other, we'll be able to slam doors! Not that we fight, but I expect some dramatic exits just because I can... Going on Friday to get things figured out! Yay!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 97: New Launches
Today was a good day of classes. I learned to speak (mostly how to pronounce) some words in the Aztec language, Nahuatl. Did you know that chihuahua, guacamole, and Guatemala are all Nahuatl words? Didn't think so!
I enjoyed my other two classes as well and then came time for my first Tropical Marine Ecology class. Aka the Bahamas class. Oh my goodness it was so much fun! We played the "name game" and did introductions and got to know each other a little. There's about 30 people in the course and a few TAs. The trip sounds so amazing and informative. We also have a weekend trip to Seahorse Key the last weekend of February. Yay!! So excited. And one of the best parts is that I don't have that class again until February 22nd. So yay 6 week "break" from class! And by two weeks after that, I'll be finished with it. I really think I've found a gem among classes.
I ended the night with a dorm-area-wide launch party for the new social network site (SNS) for the campus. I was impressed with it! Plus the party was fun. So if you go to school with me, you should totally check it out. Let me know if you need the website. Sorry, only for students at the school!
Other exciting news for today: I applied for the dorm I want to live in next year and have a simple informative interview with the area staff guy to seal the deal on Friday. Yay!!
Bed time for an early Bio2 lab. But rumors have it that it ends very early and isn't hard so I shall come back and take a nap before going back out to class. Hehehe
Stinky thing for the day: I missed both 11:11's on 1/11/11. At least there is still 11/11/11!!!!!!
I enjoyed my other two classes as well and then came time for my first Tropical Marine Ecology class. Aka the Bahamas class. Oh my goodness it was so much fun! We played the "name game" and did introductions and got to know each other a little. There's about 30 people in the course and a few TAs. The trip sounds so amazing and informative. We also have a weekend trip to Seahorse Key the last weekend of February. Yay!! So excited. And one of the best parts is that I don't have that class again until February 22nd. So yay 6 week "break" from class! And by two weeks after that, I'll be finished with it. I really think I've found a gem among classes.
I ended the night with a dorm-area-wide launch party for the new social network site (SNS) for the campus. I was impressed with it! Plus the party was fun. So if you go to school with me, you should totally check it out. Let me know if you need the website. Sorry, only for students at the school!
Other exciting news for today: I applied for the dorm I want to live in next year and have a simple informative interview with the area staff guy to seal the deal on Friday. Yay!!
Bed time for an early Bio2 lab. But rumors have it that it ends very early and isn't hard so I shall come back and take a nap before going back out to class. Hehehe
Stinky thing for the day: I missed both 11:11's on 1/11/11. At least there is still 11/11/11!!!!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 96: Awesome Discoveries
Today I went to the Christian Study Center for the first time. It was awesome! So cute and cozy. I went with Hannah and we're planning on having a weekly roommate date there between her classes. Very excited for this semester because of that.
AND I have a roommate for next year! Danielle will be rooming with me for now. Hopefully she will get an RA position and then I'll take a random roommate. But in the mean time, we will be rooming together!
AND Danielle and I finally applied for our summer trip in Yellowstone. With the current plans, we will be working in a restaurant in Yellowstone National Park by the middle of May.
AND it was the first Phi Lamb meeting of the year. Hooray!! :) It was great to see everyone. So yay! Have a great day!
AND I have a roommate for next year! Danielle will be rooming with me for now. Hopefully she will get an RA position and then I'll take a random roommate. But in the mean time, we will be rooming together!
AND Danielle and I finally applied for our summer trip in Yellowstone. With the current plans, we will be working in a restaurant in Yellowstone National Park by the middle of May.
AND it was the first Phi Lamb meeting of the year. Hooray!! :) It was great to see everyone. So yay! Have a great day!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 95: A Midwinter's Day Dream
It was pretty chilly today! After the 20 minute walk across campus, I went to a new church tonight. It was a nice change and I felt very welcome. Stayed for a taco night dinner and luckily got a ride home.
Other than the new church, I watched Dawson's Creek today. I'm now on the 4th season! I love not having any work to do. It's such a relief!
Also realized today, that unless I find someone to room with in the next 5 days, I will be having a random roommate next year. But I know that either way, God will bless me as amazingly as He did this year.
Other than the new church, I watched Dawson's Creek today. I'm now on the 4th season! I love not having any work to do. It's such a relief!
Also realized today, that unless I find someone to room with in the next 5 days, I will be having a random roommate next year. But I know that either way, God will bless me as amazingly as He did this year.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 94: Lunch and Movie
A friend from back home had a flute audition today for the music program and then came over for a tour of the room. It was a little crowded, but I hope it helped a bit! After that, my brother and I headed to meet my parents for a car-swap. His car had broken last week and we had to take my dad's to school. We met at Mimi's Cafe which is so super delicious. Yummm. I returned home to a movie night of Meet The Robinsons with some floormates. It was pretty good. Came back, colored a picture in my dinosaur coloring book and watched some Dawson's Creek. :)
It was a great relaxing day!
PLUS: Found out that my cousin that was in the hospital for the past 6 weeks got to go home today! Praise the Lord! <3
Have a great weekend!
It was a great relaxing day!
PLUS: Found out that my cousin that was in the hospital for the past 6 weeks got to go home today! Praise the Lord! <3
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 93: Insects, gymnastics, and fro-yo, Oh My!
My big, Jenny, and I went to the natural history museum today. They had a Crime Scene Insects exhibit which was kind of gross, but very interesting nonetheless. We spent over two and half hours walking around, pushing all the buttons, and reading all the signs. It was a spectacular visit that I definitely enjoyed.
After our delicious fajita dinner, Danielle, her floormates and I went to the gymnastics meet. I'd never seen a live gymnastics meet. It was so much fun! Plus our team was amazing and won. The coolest thing was during the floor exercises (dance-like routine), every girl on our team incorporated the Chomp. Very cool!
Then we headed to our beloved Mochi for some frozen yogurt. During the day, one of my very dear long lost friends from home told me he was visiting a friend and was in town! So I managed to get to see him for about 10 minutes while we were at Mochi. It was a great visit, and delicious fro-yo.
Finished up the day by watching Dawson's Creek again. Currently, Hannah and Sam (see yesterday's post if you don't know Sam yet) are watching Hey Arnold. :)
After our delicious fajita dinner, Danielle, her floormates and I went to the gymnastics meet. I'd never seen a live gymnastics meet. It was so much fun! Plus our team was amazing and won. The coolest thing was during the floor exercises (dance-like routine), every girl on our team incorporated the Chomp. Very cool!
Then we headed to our beloved Mochi for some frozen yogurt. During the day, one of my very dear long lost friends from home told me he was visiting a friend and was in town! So I managed to get to see him for about 10 minutes while we were at Mochi. It was a great visit, and delicious fro-yo.
Finished up the day by watching Dawson's Creek again. Currently, Hannah and Sam (see yesterday's post if you don't know Sam yet) are watching Hey Arnold. :)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 92: Baby You're a Firework
Firework has been stuck in my head all day. But the Boyce Avenue version, not Katy Perry.
Anyways. Today I had 3 more of my classes. All the Anthropology ones. Here's the quick scoop on them:
Aztec Civilization: Teacher is very smart but kind of rude. Told the class 5 times that the course was not meant for freshmen. Oh well, I'll show her!
General Anthropology: Teacher is good looking guy from the Netherlands. Amazing. I'm going to like the easiness of the class. Yay!!
Forensic Anthropology: I'm a little worried about the gruesome/graphic aspect of the course, but I'm still hoping it will be a good experience for me. The teacher was alright. Let us out really really early. The room is weird though and I definitely will have to sit in the very front to be able to hear her. Oh well!
Hannah's best friend Sam came to visit for the next couple of days. We met her at the corner of a road and took her to get a parking pass. The lady giving the pass asked if she had ever been affiliated with the school, such as applying. I asked "Does that actually make a difference" and the lady just nodded her head without explaining. Rude.
The first CRU of the semester was today! There were so many people we were forced to sit up in the balcony. But we couldn't hear anything but *mumble mumble mumble...* Halfway through the talk, my friend and I got up and moved to the normal seating since he had spotted two seats in the distance. Much better! It was great to see everyone and be back at CRU.
AND Weeks of Welcome had midnight breakfast as we were coming back from CRU. So one pancake and strip of bacon later and I'm exhausted and ready for bed. The room is much more cozy with a third person here, but it's definitely going to be more fun! Hannah and I may be breaking our New Semester Resolution tonight due to special circumstances involving visitors... Oh well.
Goodnight! It's almost Friday!!!!
Anyways. Today I had 3 more of my classes. All the Anthropology ones. Here's the quick scoop on them:
Aztec Civilization: Teacher is very smart but kind of rude. Told the class 5 times that the course was not meant for freshmen. Oh well, I'll show her!
General Anthropology: Teacher is good looking guy from the Netherlands. Amazing. I'm going to like the easiness of the class. Yay!!
Forensic Anthropology: I'm a little worried about the gruesome/graphic aspect of the course, but I'm still hoping it will be a good experience for me. The teacher was alright. Let us out really really early. The room is weird though and I definitely will have to sit in the very front to be able to hear her. Oh well!
Hannah's best friend Sam came to visit for the next couple of days. We met her at the corner of a road and took her to get a parking pass. The lady giving the pass asked if she had ever been affiliated with the school, such as applying. I asked "Does that actually make a difference" and the lady just nodded her head without explaining. Rude.
The first CRU of the semester was today! There were so many people we were forced to sit up in the balcony. But we couldn't hear anything but *mumble mumble mumble...* Halfway through the talk, my friend and I got up and moved to the normal seating since he had spotted two seats in the distance. Much better! It was great to see everyone and be back at CRU.
AND Weeks of Welcome had midnight breakfast as we were coming back from CRU. So one pancake and strip of bacon later and I'm exhausted and ready for bed. The room is much more cozy with a third person here, but it's definitely going to be more fun! Hannah and I may be breaking our New Semester Resolution tonight due to special circumstances involving visitors... Oh well.
Goodnight! It's almost Friday!!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 91: First Day of School! (Finding Nemo)
Today was the first day of the spring semester of school. I slept in, got 9+ hours of sleep, had a great class, and just enjoyed the day. Today's class was Bio2, which I have with two of my Phi Lamb sisters. Our teacher seems really cool. And we get to use our cell phones to take polls for extra credit in the class. I think I'm going to enjoy it! Not to mention that after I'm finished with that class, I'm done for the day. So that doesn't hurt either.
So in my spare time, I went to the bookstore to buy my lab manual and dissection kit (ew. a pig fetus. in 3 weeks. I'm not ready for this...). On my way back I decided to take the bus to Publix. Mission was successful, but I had to wait forever for the bus back to campus. Then, I got off a stop too early and had to walk a bit more than I was expecting. And BONUS: It started pouring as soon as the bus drove away. So with everything from my knees down soaked, my rain boots stuck in my room, my umbrella being blown in the wind, and my Vera backpack with aforementioned lab book slowly becoming drenched, I ducked under a doorway cover to a dorm. Luckily in about 5 minutes, some residents opened the door and I lounged in the lobby for a while. The downpour didn't let up and after 20 minutes, I decided I was already wet and there was nothing I could do about it, so I headed home. My jeans are still wet as I type. Hopefully they'll be dry soon, or I'll have to spend $1.25 to get them dry. Which is unacceptable.
Finally, I was reviewing my syllabi for tomorrow's classes and I found out that I have NO exams during final week which is the week after Easter. So I will be home for Holy Week!! Hooray!!!
Excited for classes tomorrow! Hannah and I are starting our New Semester Resolution of going to bed before midnight tonight. Yay getting extra sleep!
The Twelfth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
12) A Joyous Disposition
11) Wearing Long Sleeved Clothing
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
So in my spare time, I went to the bookstore to buy my lab manual and dissection kit (ew. a pig fetus. in 3 weeks. I'm not ready for this...). On my way back I decided to take the bus to Publix. Mission was successful, but I had to wait forever for the bus back to campus. Then, I got off a stop too early and had to walk a bit more than I was expecting. And BONUS: It started pouring as soon as the bus drove away. So with everything from my knees down soaked, my rain boots stuck in my room, my umbrella being blown in the wind, and my Vera backpack with aforementioned lab book slowly becoming drenched, I ducked under a doorway cover to a dorm. Luckily in about 5 minutes, some residents opened the door and I lounged in the lobby for a while. The downpour didn't let up and after 20 minutes, I decided I was already wet and there was nothing I could do about it, so I headed home. My jeans are still wet as I type. Hopefully they'll be dry soon, or I'll have to spend $1.25 to get them dry. Which is unacceptable.
Finally, I was reviewing my syllabi for tomorrow's classes and I found out that I have NO exams during final week which is the week after Easter. So I will be home for Holy Week!! Hooray!!!
Excited for classes tomorrow! Hannah and I are starting our New Semester Resolution of going to bed before midnight tonight. Yay getting extra sleep!
The Twelfth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
12) A Joyous Disposition
11) Wearing Long Sleeved Clothing
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 90: Adventures
Tonight I got to see my Big, Jenny! We, along with some of our other sisters, went to a cute little "village" like thing to explore. It was adorable and very quaint. They still had Christmas lights up too, which was cool. We ate dinner there and then went out for fro-yo as usual.
Other than that awesome adventure today, Hannah and I unpacked. A lot. Still not finished, but mostly I am. Hooray!! Classes start tomorrow, so gotta get to bed! Luckily my first class isn't until 11:45 so I can sleep in. :)
The Eleventh thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
11) Wearing Long Sleeved Clothing
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
Other than that awesome adventure today, Hannah and I unpacked. A lot. Still not finished, but mostly I am. Hooray!! Classes start tomorrow, so gotta get to bed! Luckily my first class isn't until 11:45 so I can sleep in. :)
The Eleventh thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
11) Wearing Long Sleeved Clothing
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 89: Laughter and Driving
This morning, my brother and I had eye doctor appointments. They stuck us in the same room to save time. After we had taken out our contacts, we were both blind as bats. Not to mention the addition of the dilating solution. So we couldn't see a whole lot and it just gave us the giggles. The doctor's office also had cookies in the waiting area. So my mom got up to kindly retrieve us some cookies, and at the same time a worker walked by with a plate of them. We got double cookies! Which lead to more laughter which the optometry assistant responded to with "what did you eat for breakfast?" We both giggled out at the same time "COOKIES!"
Needless to say that it was a fun trip. Other than that... I went to lunch with my bestie Grace and then went home. My brother needed a spring for his bike that isn't working, and we found two "dead" bikes left for trash on the side of the road. He was almost more excited for the bikes than the cookies! After a fantastic dinner out with our parents, we hit the road and arrived back at school safe and sound.
And lastly, after unpacking a little, I put on Dawson's Creek and did my nails. They are a French manicure style with purple sequin hearts (polish courtesy of Target $1 section). Off to bed for more unpacking and lots of visiting tomorrow!!!

Needless to say that it was a fun trip. Other than that... I went to lunch with my bestie Grace and then went home. My brother needed a spring for his bike that isn't working, and we found two "dead" bikes left for trash on the side of the road. He was almost more excited for the bikes than the cookies! After a fantastic dinner out with our parents, we hit the road and arrived back at school safe and sound.
And lastly, after unpacking a little, I put on Dawson's Creek and did my nails. They are a French manicure style with purple sequin hearts (polish courtesy of Target $1 section). Off to bed for more unpacking and lots of visiting tomorrow!!!

The Tenth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
10) Lots of Time to Read
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 88: Last day of Break Celebration
Tonight, my friends Kaylee, Tyler, Andrea, and I all went to Pizza Hut after church. Totally spontaneous, they realized they had $60 worth of gift cards between them. So off we headed to pizza bliss. It was really good, albeit fattening. However, I never got the salad I ordered....
After we finished eating, we took a bunch of pictures and then returned home. While Andrea and I technically have another day of break, Kaylee and Tyler have school in the morning, so they needed some rest.
It was a great day! Bonus: My mom bought me a new card game the other day and we played it tonight. SO MUCH FUN! It's the Rummikub (my favorite game) card game edition which mixes, in my opinion, Phase 10 and Rummy. Kind of. Not sure how else to explain it other than lots of fun. So my brother, dad and I played it for a while tonight. Yay game night!
Off to bed for my last night of sleep in my "own bed" even though I think I actually prefer my bed at school...
The Ninth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
After we finished eating, we took a bunch of pictures and then returned home. While Andrea and I technically have another day of break, Kaylee and Tyler have school in the morning, so they needed some rest.
It was a great day! Bonus: My mom bought me a new card game the other day and we played it tonight. SO MUCH FUN! It's the Rummikub (my favorite game) card game edition which mixes, in my opinion, Phase 10 and Rummy. Kind of. Not sure how else to explain it other than lots of fun. So my brother, dad and I played it for a while tonight. Yay game night!
Off to bed for my last night of sleep in my "own bed" even though I think I actually prefer my bed at school...
The Ninth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
9) Nativity Scenes at Church
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 87: 1-1-11!
I love that I can type the date with only one key today! so cool!!! I can't wait for 11/11/11! That should be a fantastic day!
This morning I went with my friend Alex to Tropical Smoothie... which ended up being closed for the holiday. So we went to a different smoothie place which ended up being more expensive and definitely not as good. Oh well!! Then I went over to my bff Nick's house and made waffles and un-decorated his tree with his sister Kaylee (also one of my bffs). Anywho, spent the afternoon watching Dawson's Creek. Also, my mom and I went to Red Lobster for dinner which was delicious. I had stuffed mushrooms and calamari. Yumm.
Hope the New Year started out great for you!!!
I am counting today's new smoothie place as the New for this week (there may be more than one...)
The Eighth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me
This morning I went with my friend Alex to Tropical Smoothie... which ended up being closed for the holiday. So we went to a different smoothie place which ended up being more expensive and definitely not as good. Oh well!! Then I went over to my bff Nick's house and made waffles and un-decorated his tree with his sister Kaylee (also one of my bffs). Anywho, spent the afternoon watching Dawson's Creek. Also, my mom and I went to Red Lobster for dinner which was delicious. I had stuffed mushrooms and calamari. Yumm.
Hope the New Year started out great for you!!!
I am counting today's new smoothie place as the New for this week (there may be more than one...)
The Eighth thing at Christmas that is so dear to me:
8) Corny Hallmark Movies
7) Eating Scrumptious Food
6) Singing Christmas Carols
5) Fi-nals are OVER!!!
4) Sitting by the fire
3) Visiting with family
2) Two-Ply toilet paper
1) And a Baby King born to save me
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