Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 148: Tlamatini

Today I worked on my Aztec Civilization project most of the day. We had to read the pictographs that the Aztecs used in their writing system to "teach" their sacred history. From their origins to a large battle and capture until their movement into the Basin of Mexico to their capital city Tenochtitlan. The project was quite difficult, but really satisfying when finished.

Tonight we had a fire drill. It was really annoying, as always. I called my parents and talked to them about the Bahamas. Hooray fire drills!...

I know that the last couple of blogs have been so short, but this week has been so incredibly busy and I just don't have the energy at night to write a bunch. I need a spring break! Oh wait... that's already passed...

OH YEAH. I got my luggage back today! Our friend Katye who used to live on the floor, but moved to Mississippi, kindly drove me to the airport so I could pick up my suitcase. It was left in the Bahamas because the airplane was too small to hold all the luggage. Instead of just sending a plane back that day, they decided to wait and send it the next day. Really annoying, if you ask me. But I got it back and now I'm happy. My most valued possessions inside the suitcase are my retainer, hairspray, and iPod charger. Now that they are safely returned, I intend to sleep well with my teeth correctly adjusted and listening to music. :) Goodnight!

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